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Computer Tips for Beginners

 Computer Tips for Beginners. so, in this article we will talk about some basic computer tips and tricks for beginners. which all beginners should know. if you are a beginner and if you want to gain some knowledge. then you can read it properly. this is for you.

Computer Tips for Beginners

Computer Tips for Beginners

 There are some Computer Tips for Beginners.

1. Backup Computer Data:

You must know how to backup your computer data. so, first of all backup all your data on regular basis. Because A computer hard drive can fail anytime and anywhere, and you must not want to lose your important data like images, music, codes or other office files.

2. Update computer programs:

For smooth running computer, you must update your computer programs and software updated. as well as update all Microsoft programs and plugins. if your computer will be updated, it will really be helpful to make your computer faster.

3. Anti-virus and Firewall:

Now days some hackers are developing unwanted viruses, spyware and malware. They can steal your computer or other personal information. so, you can protect your computer with powerful anti-virus and anti-spyware program and update that antivirus regularly. A firewall can also protect your computer from unwanted viruses.

4. Clean Computer regularly:

For smooth running computer, you should clean your PC or computer regularly or after some time. Because due to dust computer fan will be closed and the computer will overheat. you can also contact with online computer repair agent for quick fix.

5. Remove all unwanted program and applications:

Remove all unnecessary or useless data from computer and hard drive. you can run defragmentation tool for smooth running disk uninstall useless or unnecessary programs or applications from your computer. 

6. Remember some important keys:

for quick task on computer know some important shortcuts keys. There are many shortcuts' keys all over the internet just remember some important and useful keys for quick work and improve your productivity on a computer.

7. Security system updated:

There is a lot of security or antivirus software available now. These anti-viruses are developing or update every days. so when you install any antivirus or other security software then don't forget to update it on daily basis. Because an error or virus via firewall can damage your hard drive or other important documents for ever.

8. Computer Optimization:

You have to use power strip for computer for optimize its capacity and lifespan. so, avoid following things for better lifespan of your computer and also make it smooth running. you can use a surge protector instead of power strip because it can help to protect your computer against voltage fluctuations.

9. Always backup data of your computer:

If you want to save your passwords, apps, setting or other important documents in your computer then you have to backup computer for save your data and recover further.

So, this was some of the Computer Tips that you have read above. I hope you have learned something from here. and you want to read these types of articles then you stay connected with our website. Thank you for reading this article. 

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